Atacurile de tip phishing asupra clientilor Yahoo! se pare ca s-au inmultit cu ocazia sarbatorilor. O serie noua de email-uri cu subiectul "Validate Your Email” se propaga avand drept scop furtul conturilor Yahoo!. Pretinde a fi trimis de catre "Yahoo! Services” si suna astfel: SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Dear Customer, Thank you for being a Yahoo Mail user. We look forward to bringing you an even faster, safer, easier-to-use Yahoo Mail very soon. Your Yahoo Mail has exceeded its limit and needs to be upgrade, if not upgrade within 24hours, we shall suspend your account. Click Here What You Can Look Forward To • Faster email • Latest Yahoo Mail spam-protection technology • Easier-to-use design • Unlimited email storage so that you can keep everything you want If you don’t upgrade now, we shall suspend your account. or review Yahoo Mail Help for other options. Thank you for being a loyal Yahoo Mail user. We hope you enjoy the newest version of Yahoo Mail. Yahoo Mail Team
Link-ul de pe textul "Click here” variaza si poate fi sau Cert este ca pagina afisata seamana leit cu cea de logare Yahoo! Mail, desi este FALSA si cu siguranta nu trebuie sa introduceti acolo datele personale, fiindca veti pierde contul de mail. Fiti atenti pe ce dati click si verificati mereu adresa la care sunteti pe net.